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  • steve carter is an associate teaching pastor who now oversees the rockharbor fullerton campus. he works with a great team of staff and volunteers who are committed to helping this young community become an actual family. steve lives with his wife sarah, their son emerson and their dog fenway in fullerton, california.

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July 26, 2010


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Bradley Thayer

I always hear people use these extraordinary verbs when talking about something. However, I think it goes a lot further than verbs and extends into all the various parts of speech. I wish i had that brain to think of that particular word because it fits so perfectly.

I guess the danger would be to not use words which no one can tell you the definition of unless you're playing scrabble. If you do you'll just look arrogant.

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It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. Do you understand?

Ben Kendrew

Steve great to see your blog back up again. I hope you are doing well. Just wanted to stop in and say hello. Good post, very helpful.

Jen Bunch Tompkins

Hey Steve! I've never been on your blog before. :) Caught the link from your wife. This was a fascinating post for me to read, as a wannabe writer and an English teacher. "Pick a better verb" is the BEST advice, and mixing up the sentence style, length and structure is a close second for me. Great stuff to think about...even for those of us who write more blog posts than sermons!

Joel Alberto

Good encouragement (ironically at a moment when I am procrastinating on finishing my Pentateuch paper). Most of what she is saying seems more geared to fiction, but some useful stuff nonetheless.

I don't know that I agree with her opposition to cliche or metaphor though. Overuse is cheap, but in moderation it can be really valuable to bring clarity to a difficult concept.

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This is interesting and challenging. Love it.

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I like the dialogue here. Exactly the words i want to hear.

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Hey Steve! I've never been on your blog before. :) Caught the link from your wife. This was a fascinating post for me to read, as a wannabe writer and an English teacher. "Pick a better verb" is the BEST advice, and mixing up the sentence style, length and structure is a close second for me. Great stuff to think about...even for those of us who write more blog posts than sermons!

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I like the dialogue here. Exactly the words i want to hear.

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Good encouragement (ironically at a moment when I am procrastinating on finishing my Pentateuch paper). Most of what she is saying seems more geared to fiction, but some useful stuff nonetheless.

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Such a great and very informative article you posted here. keep going on and share this type of interesting post with us.

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