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  • steve carter is an associate teaching pastor who now oversees the rockharbor fullerton campus. he works with a great team of staff and volunteers who are committed to helping this young community become an actual family. steve lives with his wife sarah, their son emerson and their dog fenway in fullerton, california.

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December 04, 2008


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Julia Lamson


I commend you for desiring to finish well and really wrestle with what it takes to accomplish that. Mike and I have had to do this more times that we would like to remember and with each time we have learned to do it better. Some times have been harder and more abrupt than others. Some required us to keep silent and leave with very little chance to finish well. Other times were planned, as yours is, and we were able to prepare both the church and ourselves for the transition. What we have learned most is that while we may be excited to leave for the next new thing we cannot forget to make a very deliberate effort to thank, celebrate, and mend. This time for you will be full of much packing and planning and stress that it may be a challenge to think of anything else. But it is so important to make the time. I pray that you will leave knowing that you finished well.

Thank you for all you have done to encourage us. We will be praying for you, Sarah, and Emerson. We will miss you guys.



yo Steve,

I saved these questions to a word file on my machine. I am about to finish seminary and I am going to pray through these before I leave. God knows there are a lot of people I've offended and have been offended by which I need to work through. Thanks for sharing that wisdom bro.

Kyle Nolan


I wanted to comment on this because I've read it a few times as I've thought about my time finishing at Grand valley. I want to thank you for posting it because it's served as a wake up call to me, letting me know that there are things I have to do before I leave; things like thanking and affirming people who've been there for me and dealing wiht and reconciling with people who've hurt me. I am involved in the Campus Ministry here pretty heavily and there are some things that I've tried to ignore in order to get by from one day to the next, but that I need to deal with simply because I'm a follower of Jesus and because I know that he calls us to accountability and transparency and reconciliation. I know that that's the only way I can live truly. So yea, thanks for posting this.

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