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December 11, 2008


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why do the big six get to be the elite conferences?

the big east and acc are a joke this year. why VT or Cinn. or Texas Tech?

why should a conference be guaranteed a payout?

this is what troubles me most about the current BCS system is that doesnt allow for the growth of programs like boise st. and utah. look at gonzaga in basketball. 10 years ago they were a cinderella and now they are a top 10 program. why? they got a chance to prove themselves in a playoff.

the current system is for the "elite" only and keeps the "mid-major" football programs from growing. this elitism is ridiculous. Let the utahs and boise states have a chance to grow a program, just like gonzaga did.

how is this not collusion or some kind of big conference monopoly system?

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