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  • steve carter is an associate teaching pastor who now oversees the rockharbor fullerton campus. he works with a great team of staff and volunteers who are committed to helping this young community become an actual family. steve lives with his wife sarah, their son emerson and their dog fenway in fullerton, california.

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July 19, 2008


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ryan guard

Mine was 60, which surprised me because Tustin feels like a cozy city in the Midwest. We're like a hundred feet from a park, an outdoor shopping thing, and there's ALWAYS someone walking or running down my sidewalk.

There's still nothing slow about this city, drivers included! Red means stop still, right?

steve carter

tustin got a 60!
that's unbelievable...
on the west coast, many live like they can make up some ground on the eastern time zone.


Dude, this is an awesome resource. Sadly, my house scored a 28. Thanks for sharing this.

Heather Sullivan

How crazy is this: 5. Ridiculous! After taking this, I realized that we don't even have sidewalks in our city (Oronogo). We do carpool to Joplin a lot though.


My walk score is 35. That’s not so bad. This service can be rather useful especially for those who are going to buy a house or just want to estimate their present location. I have also tried one more service at It is called Drive Score. With the help of it you can see how close establishments
are by car. My result is 50. Drive Score calculates your score based on the number of places within a convenient driving distance. The greater the number of businesses nearby the higher the drive score.

robin ellingwood


Joe Hays

just a note to let you know the blog has been top notch lately. great stuff, thank you.

wondering if you could recommend some of the blogs you're reading everyday? what do you like about them?


steve carter

tina - thanks for letting me know about the drive score.

joe - thanks for the kind words and i'll add that to the list of things i need to blog about.


It’s difficult to me to understand how computer counts my walk, drive and others scores. By what criterion it judges? I always don’t agree with my mark and I feel upset! I don’t need most things (Gas Station, Railway Station) that computer proposing to me. But I found a service that offers me to choose things by myself. And my score become much higher.

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