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  • steve carter is an associate teaching pastor who now oversees the rockharbor fullerton campus. he works with a great team of staff and volunteers who are committed to helping this young community become an actual family. steve lives with his wife sarah, their son emerson and their dog fenway in fullerton, california.

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July 17, 2008


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robin ellingwood

strong post, steve.

sometimes we daydreamers need to surround ourselves with people who can help us with the "how." i know i do. i really need to grow in this area.

this post really has me thinking about my responsibilities for teaching. lately when i teach at our sunday gatherings, i've been intentionally leaving the hard job of application to the community. i've been trying not to over-apply or over-package the text, hopefully leaving room for the spirit to speak to people about the "how." but maybe all i've been doing is frustrating the people. i know this is probably a bit of a balancing act, but i think i'm guilty of taking things too far in the other direction - not enough "how."


steve carter


if you take the strengthsfinders to heart, people like you and i need to have some activaters around us to help make the ideas a reality...

you're right on in regards to the balancing act. i find myself swinging from one side of the pendulum to the other instead of finding the space in the middle.

appreciate you bro.

Mimi Borst

"vision without implimentation is daydreaming."
vision needs the how question to be answered and leaders who are deeply connected to their ideas will not ignore that truth.

~the How part seems to get in the way of my ideas coming to fruition. HOW do you tune in to the correct activators in your life who can help with this? and why do i feel so adolescent responding to your blogs that are 2 years old? and lastly, who here in gr do you think would be willing to help me with my hows?

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