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  • steve carter is an associate teaching pastor who now oversees the rockharbor fullerton campus. he works with a great team of staff and volunteers who are committed to helping this young community become an actual family. steve lives with his wife sarah, their son emerson and their dog fenway in fullerton, california.

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July 18, 2008


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ryan guard

One of my interns is off the charts on the Activator category in her Strengths Finders. "Belief" topped my chart... I would have guessed a few others. I only read a few pages of the Anneagram book you recommended- I'll jump into that as soon as the dust settles around here.


My problem in the past has been that I'm the visionary, but implementing the vision has been tough. I have found some people who are activators, but they have commented, "That's what we pay you to do." Granted, I was in a smaller church, but that was always my downfall.

I love the daydreaming quote though.

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