Napolean once said, "the role of a leader is to define reality and give hope." I think this is crucial to being a great leader. you must be able to look with brutal honesty at where your organization currently is. Not where it wants to be, not where it should or could be; but where it is. Max Dupree, the former ceo of herman miller calls this the "is-model."
Napoleon's statement is a great way to frame leadership. this simple definition gives you two mandates to hold in balance: reality (the way things are) and hope (the way things can be). Bill Hybels talks from time to time about the different hats one must wear as a leader. what hat is easier for you to where? Are you the reality king/queen or are you always chasing the next big idea?
remember when all you focus on is the big idea; you will have an overflow of idealism and no results. also, when there is no hope, there is a pretty good chance that your employees will feel change fatigue, burn out and possibly even revolt. great leaders can live between the two worlds and know when it is appropriate to define reality and give hope.
Good stuff man...I like the Napoleon quote. Pretty good definition of leadership. Comes from a guy who had no problem with getting people to hop on board. I have a lot of people who are willing to get on board with the hope aspect, but few who are willing to look at the reality honestly.
Posted by: Travis Long | June 06, 2008 at 10:51 PM
Hey Carter-Kipp and I listened to you on a podcast at from your church! You are a superstar and we are so proud of you!
Posted by: Sarah Lyons | June 10, 2008 at 04:00 PM
Hey Carter-Kipp and I listened to you on a podcast at from your church! You are a superstar and we are so proud of you!
Posted by: Sarah Lyons | June 10, 2008 at 04:00 PM
it has been a month since your last post.
at least get a Twitter account...
Posted by: ryan guard | July 05, 2008 at 01:02 AM