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  • steve carter is an associate teaching pastor who now oversees the rockharbor fullerton campus. he works with a great team of staff and volunteers who are committed to helping this young community become an actual family. steve lives with his wife sarah, their son emerson and their dog fenway in fullerton, california.

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« baptism sunday part 2... | Main | medieval times. »

May 14, 2008


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robin ellingwood

listened to your teaching yesterday and thought it was brilliant. nice job, bro! have a great week...

ryan guard

It's been two weeks since your last post Steve. Two weeks. We deserve better. We, your fans, deserve better. Remember your New Year's Resolution... don't forget to remember it Steve.

Oh hey by the way, your baptism sermon was killer. I wanted to get baptized two more times after hearing it.

Rob Merrill

Hey Steve, thanks for the encouragement... Now some for Mars Hill...
As I stumbled into a youth ministry pastor position when I was 22 (as a relatively new Christian) it became apparent quickly that I wasn't connecting with the vision of this church. This lead to feelings of burnout, isolation and a growing dissatisfaction for what I thought church was. Fortunately about that time I stumbled upon Mars Hill. And while that youth pastor job lasted only 3 years it has been a joy to continually see and hear what Mars Hill has been doing for the past 6 years. The gospel has become something that is much larger, wilder and inviting than I ever could have imagined when I first said yes to Jesus.

BTW, I podcast your guys sermons (along with 50,000 other people I'm sure), good job the other week with "Out of Egypt"

Ben Kendrew

Good job with the Baptism sermon Steve, I enjoyed the podcast man. Good stuff. I hope all is well. Keep it real.

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