as i continue looking at the first few chapters of Matthew, i'm beginning to uncover so many possible connections. the connection between herod and pharoah is pretty obvious. the infantcide that both pharoah and herod decree is similar...but have you ever noticed hosea 11:1 - it is the verse that Matthew quotes in which he says, "Out of Egypt I called my son." now there was a teaching technique that rabbi's used from time to time called a remez. essentially they would start a verse and then let there audience finish it in their minds. but the first part of Hosea 11:1, before what Matthew quotes says, "when israel was a child, i loved him." that is so fascinating to me...
also, after the escape to egypt, Joseph has a dream where an angel of the Lord says, "get up, take the child and his mother to the land of israel, for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead." look at Exodus 4:19, do you see the parallel there?
not sure what or how any of this will be weaved into this sunday's message; but i just love seeing so many connections within the text. i'll post tomorrow about the plethora of connections i'm finding within the 40 days Jesus spends in the wilderness.
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